Elevate your Content Strategy
Get access to hundreds of high-quality cannabis stock photos in a variety of categories and styles to help you simplify and streamline your visual content strategy. With our library, you can browse, bookmark, and instantly download cannabis photos directly to your desktop, tablet, or mobile for all of your marketing needs.
Need new content regularly?
SAVE TIME & MONEY WITH our ready-made visuals
+ hundreds of cannabis stock photos in a variety of categories & styles
+ browse, bookmark, and download photos whenever you need them
+ newly curated photo collections uploaded regularly
+ license single images as needed or collections at a special rate
+ perfect for social channels, blogs, email marketing, and more
How it Works
Getting started is easy! Just complete the form below to sign up for access to the photo library. You’ll receive an email to review and sign our licensing agreement, which outlines how images can and cannot be used. Within 24 hours, you’ll receive your login credentials so you can begin browsing, bookmarking, and downloading photos whenever you need them!
Let’s Get Started
a few of our stock photo clients
Atrium Topanga, Centennial Media, Cannabis Now, Dockside Cannabis, Ed Rosenthal, Concrete, Goodleaf, Headset, Leafly, Lantern, MedMen, Method Seven, Weedmaps, Wray Ward,
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I use the photos?
Images can be used to promote a brand, business, products, and/or services on social media, blogs, and website depending on your option selection. You may crop, scale, rotate, edit, and even overlay text and graphics to fit your promotional needs.
Restrictions: Photos cannot be sold, relicensed, sub-licensed, redistributed, or made downloadable to a non-paying third party. Images cannot be incorporated into logos, trademarks, or service marks, and cannot be used to promote any photographer or photography-related service, workshop, class, training, guide, book, blog post, or promotional item. Photos cannot be used to create derivative works intended for resale or gift. Photos cannot be used for commercial or editorial publishing purposes. If you would like to license images for commercial advertising or editorial publishing, please email us at hello@apotfarmersdaughter.com.
Do I need to credit Kristen/A Pot Farmer’s Daughter when using the photos?
No, photo credit is not required for social, blog, or website use. If you’d like, you can tag @apotfarmersdaughter/#apotfarmersdaughter on social, and we’ll repost! Photo credit is required for editorial and publishing use.
What type of photos are available in the stock library?
There are currently 50 categories and the catalog continues to grow. Topics range from plants in all stages of growth, indoor and outdoor garden environments, extraction sciences, styled scenes, consumer-end products, retail space, lifestyle, and more. You can browse by category or search by keywords.
Why do I have to sign up to see the gallery?
We require users to set up an account before accessing the gallery so we can secure a signed licensing agreement and assign a password to you.